Vote Notices

89th Texas Legislative Session

The 89th Texas Legislative Session runs from Tuesday, January 14, 2025, until Monday, June 2, 2025. This list will continue to be updated for as long as lawmakers have the ability to take record votes during the 89th Legislative Session.

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Texas House of Representatives

BillAuthor SubjectTFR Position Vote Notice
Speaker of the HouseSupport David Cook
Oppose Dustin Burrows
HR 3Geren (R)Housekeeping ResolutionOppose1.16.2025
HR 3Geren (R)Housekeeping Resolution Oppose Specific Amendments1.16.2025
HR 3Geren (R)Housekeeping ResolutionSupport Specific Amendments1.16.2025
HR 4Hunter (R)House RulesOppose as filed1.23.2025
HR 4Hunter (R)House RulesOppose Specific Amendments1.23.2025
HR 4Hunter (R)House RulesSupport Specific Amendments1.23.2025

Texas Senate

BillAuthor SubjectTFR Position Vote Notice
SB 2Creighton (R)School ChoiceSUPPORT/ AMEND2.04.2025
SB 4Bettencourt (R)Property Tax Relief, Raising the Homestead ExemptionSUPPORT/ AMEND2.11.2025
SJR 1Huffman (R)No bail for illegal aliens charged with feloniesSUPPORT2.18.2025
SB 40Huffman (R)No taxpayer money for bailSUPPORT2.18.2025
SB 26Creighton (R)Teacher pay increases at expense of taxpayersOPPOSE2.25.2025
SB 28Hall (R)Texas Lottery RestrictionsSUPPORT2.26.2025
SB 5Huffman (R)Creating Dementia Research InstituteOPPOSE3.4.2025
SJR 3Huffman (R)Constitutional Amendment for the Dementia InstituteOPPOSE3.4.2025
SB 21Schwertner (R)State Bitcoin ReserveOPPOSE3.5.2025
SB 764Zaffirini (D)Standardizes regulatory processesSUPPORT3.5.2025
SB 790Alvarado (D)Customer and Landlord DisputesNEUTRAL / AMEND3.5.2025
SJR 34Hughes (R)Parental Rights Constitutional AmendmentSUPPORT3.6.2025
SB 10King (R)Ten Commandments in SchoolsSUPPORT3.6.2025
SB 18Hughes (R)Drag Queen Story Hour at LibrariesSUPPORT3.6.2025
SB 19Middleton (R)Banning Taxpayer-Funded LobbyingSUPPORT3.6.2025
SB 262Perry (R)Expanded Access to CPA LicenseSUPPORT3.6.2025
SB 495Sparks (R)No ESG in Department of InsuranceSUPPORT3.6.2025
SB 627Zaffirini (D)Provisional Dietitians LicenseNEUTRAL3.6.2025
SB 11Middleton (R)Prayer in SchoolsSUPPORT3.11.2025
SB 20Flores (R)Criminalizes AI-generated Child ExploitationSUPPORT3.11.2025
SB 25Kolkhorst (R)Addressing Chronic Health CrisisSUPPORT / AMEND3.11.2025
SB 290Miles (D)Unnecessary government regulation in energy sectorOPPOSE3.11.2025
SB 293Huffman (R)Judicial reforms, lawmaker pension increasesOPPOSE3.11.2025
SB 314 Hughes (R)Banning toxic additives in school mealsSUPPORT / AMEND3.11.2025
SB 412Middleton (R)Protecting minors from harmful materialSUPPORT3.11.2025
SB 480Perry (R)Local Government Water PlanningSUPPORT3.11.2025
SB 494Sparks (R)Petroleum theft prevention task forceSUPPORT3.11.2025
SB 706Schwertner (R)Universal recognition of handgun licensesSUPPORT3.11.2025
SB 707King (R)State rejection of unconstitutional mandatesSUPPORT3.11.2025
SB 869Birdwell (R)Timely ethics complaint resolutionSUPPORT3.11.2025
SJR 18Perry (R)No Capital Gains TaxSUPPORT3.12.2025
SCR 9Hughes (R)“Keep Nine” Constitutional AmendmentSUPPORT3.12.2025
SCR 13Hinojosa (R)Enforcing Texas’ water rights treatySUPPORT3.12.2025
SB 263Perry (R)Tax fairness for radio broadcasters.SUPPORT3.12.2025
SB 569Bettencourt (R)Expanding virtual and hybrid educationSUPPORT / AMEND3.12.2025
SB 914Blanco (D)Optional city election date changeSUPPORT3.12.2025
SB 1066Perry (R)Expands contractor bidding opportunitiesSUPPORT3.12.2025
SB 14King (R)Regulatory efficiencySUPPORT3.13.2025
SB 3Perry (R)Hemp Regulation and THC BanSUPPORT / AMEND3.18.2025
SB 6King (R)Government overreach in EnergyOPPOSE3.18.2025
SB 12Creighton (R)Parental Rights and DEI BanSUPPORT3.18.2025
SB 13Paxton (R)Prohibit Inappropriate Materials in LibrariesSUPPORT / AMEND3.18.2025
SB 15Bettencourt (R)Housing Deregulation SUPPORT3.18.2025
SB 17Kolkhorst (R)Hostile Foreign Property OwnershipSUPPORT / AMEND3.18.2025
SB 35Nichols TxDOT Highway ContractsOPPOSE3.18.2025
SB 388King (R)Government Interference in Energy MarketOPPOSE3.18.2025
SB 666Hughes (R)Regulates Nitrous Oxide DistributionOPPOSE3.18.2025
SB 24Campbell (R)Anti-communism educationSUPPORT3.19.2025
SB 112Hall (R)Parental rights and transparencySUPPORT3.19.2025
SB 284Miles (D)Increased penalties for illegal signageOPPOSE / AMEND3.19.2025
SB 400Kolkhorst (R)Parental consent for child screeningsSUPPORT3.19.2025
SB 402Paxton (R)Streamlining Property Tax RefundsSUPPORT3.19.2025
SB 875Birdwell (R)Stop taxpayer-funded electioneeringSUPPORT3.19.2025
SB 1Huffman (R)State BudgetOPPOSE3.20.2025
SB 213West (D)Prevents forced insurance bundlingSUPPORT3.20.2025
SB 371Campbell (R)Parental Consent for Sex EdSUPPORT3.20.2025
SB 378Schwertner (R)Cosmetology regulationsSUPPORT3.20.2025
SB 379Middleton (R)Limits SNAP on Junk FoodSUPPORT3.20.2025
SB 427Hinojosa (D)Financial Transparency for State FundingSUPPORT3.20.2025
SB 583West (D)Mandated land review for housingOPPOSE3.20.2025
SB 621Sparks (R)Bans taxpayer-funded public banksSUPPORT3.20.2025
SB 650West (D)Mandated Electronic ID VerificationOPPOSE3.20.2025
SB 840Hughes (R)Reducing zoning restrictions for housingSUPPORT3.20.2025
SB 1025Bettencourt (R)Transparency on ballot propositionsSUPPORT3.20.2025
SCR 8Parker (R)Opposing federal central digital currencySUPPORT3.24.2025
SB 315Kolkhorst (R)DNA Property Rights ProtectionSUPPORT3.24.2025
SB 965Parker (R)Religious Freedom in SchoolsSUPPORT3.24.2025
SB 1018Huffman (R)Rededicates traffic fine revenueOPPOSE3.24.2025
SB 1532Zaffirini (D)Streamlines water fund transparencySUPPORT3.24.2025