Texans for Fiscal Responsibility (TFR) is dedicated to equipping voters each election cycle with a comprehensive list of endorsements, ensuring Texans are well-informed to cast their votes for the most fiscally responsible candidates.
Candidates are vetted via a candidate questionnaire comprised of questions structured to determine any would-be elected official’s disposition towards issues related to the size and scope of government.
Don’t miss TFR’s preliminary endorsements for the 2023-2024 Election Cycle below:
Upcoming Election(s):
2024 Primary Runoff Election
Texas House of Representatives
District | Name | Political Party |
1 | Dale Huls | R |
33 | Katrina Pierson | R |
30 | AJ Louderback | R |
44 | Alan Schoolcraft | R |
58 | Helen Kerwin | R |
61 | Keresa Richardson | R |
64 | Andy Hopper | R |
91 | David Lowe | R |
Election Information
Early Voting Period: May 20-May 24, 2024
Election Day: May 28, 2024
Are you a candidate seeking an endorsement? Find our candidate questionnaire below: