Vote Notices

Vote Notice 3.11.2025

March 11, 2025
TFR Staff
89th Legislative Session, Vote Notice

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has issued the following vote notice for March 11th, 2025 

Texas House of Representatives


Texas Senate

Subject:  Senate Bill 11 (SB 11) – Prayer in Schools

  • Author: State Sen. Mayes Middleton (R-Galveston)
  • Caption: Relating to a period of prayer and reading of the Bible or other religious text in public schools.
  • TFR Position:  SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 11 supports both family values and fiscal responsibility by giving local communities the choice to allow prayer and Bible reading in schools while ensuring participation is completely voluntary. It respects parental authority by requiring a signed consent form, allowing families to decide what is best for their children. The bill also protects religious freedom without disrupting education, reinforcing the fact that faith and morality play a key role in raising responsible citizens. From a fiscally conservative standpoint, it prevents unnecessary lawsuits by ensuring the Texas Attorney General defends schools that adopt the policy, saving taxpayer dollars. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 11.

Subject: Senate Bill 20 (SB 20) – Criminalizes AI-generated Child Exploitation

  • Author: State Sen. Pete Flores (R-Pleasanton)
  • Caption: Relating to the creation of the criminal offense of possession or promotion of obscene visual material appearing to depict a child.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 20 strengthens Texas law by criminalizing the possession and promotion of obscene material that depicts minors, including AI-generated and animated content. This bill upholds public safety and protects vulnerable minors by ensuring that individuals engaged in exploiting or distributing harmful content face strict penalties. This is a common-sense bill to promotes and protects the common good and children, and falls within the scope of the proper role of government. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 20.

Subject: Senate Bill 25 (SB 25) – Addressing Chronic Health Crisis

  • Author: State Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R-Brenham)
  • Caption: Relating to health and nutrition standards to promote healthy living; authorizing a civil penalty.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT / AMEND
  • Background: 
    • SB 25 seeks to tackle rising healthcare costs by promoting preventative health measures through nutrition education and increased physical activity in schools, potentially reducing long-term taxpayer burdens from Medicaid and other state-funded healthcare expenses. The bill also increases consumer transparency and choice and personal responsibility by requiring food manufacturers to label products containing certain additives banned in other countries. While this type of transparency is highly valuable when it comes to the foods we eat, mandating new labeling requirements on private businesses creates regulatory burdens that could lead to higher compliance costs—which may be passed on to consumers. We encourage lawmakers to amend the bill to focus on voluntary labeling incentives. Additionally, the continuing education requirements should be optional, as such education requirements may be unnecessary for some physicians. Nevertheless, TFR supports SB 25 for its benefits fighting against the chronic health endemic in the United States.

Subject: Senate Bill 290 (SB 290) – Unnecessary government regulation in energy sector

  • Author: State Sen. Borris Miles (D-Houston)
  • Caption: Relating to notice to property owners regarding certain stationary LP-gas installations.
  • TFR Position: OPPOSE
  • Background: 
    • SB 290 mandates that companies applying for permits to install or modify large LP-gas (liquefied petroleum gas) storage facilities notify property owners within 500 feet via certified mail. While transparency is valuable, the bill imposes additional regulatory burdens on businesses, increasing bureaucratic red tape and potential delays. The requirement to maintain proof of notice adds more unnecessary administrative costs and expenses for private entities. This bill represents government overreach that adds costs when market forces and local engagement can already address these concerns efficiently. For these reasons, TFR opposes SB 290.

Subject: Senate Bill 293 (SB 293) – Judicial reforms, lawmaker pension increases

  • Author: State Sen. Joan Huffman (R-Houston)
  • Caption: Relating to the discipline of judges by the State Commission on Judicial Conduct, notice of certain reprimands, judicial compensation and related retirement benefits, and the reporting of certain judicial transparency information; authorizing an administrative penalty.
  • TFR Position: OPPOSE
  • Background: 
    • While the accountability reforms are commendable in SB 293, the bill increases judicial salaries by 15%, which inflates pension benefits for lawmakers, as legislator pensions are tied to judicial salaries. This increase in lawmaker pension should be decoupled, and public debate on raising lawmaker pensions should be had instead. Until judicial salaries and lawmaker pensions are completely decoupled, TFR recommends a NO on SB 293.

Subject: Senate Bill 314 (SB 314 ) – Banning toxic additives in school meals

  • Author: State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola)
  • Caption: Relating to prohibiting certain food additives from being included in free or reduced-price meals provided by school districts.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT / AMEND
  • Background: 
    • SB 314 seeks to ban harmful food additives from free or reduced-price school meals in Texas, aligning with bans already in place in the European Union and under consideration at the federal level. By eliminating chemicals linked to cancer, reproductive harm, and DNA damage, this legislation prioritizes children’s health and prevents associated long-term healthcare costs. Additionally, it promotes market-driven solutions by encouraging food providers to adopt safer, cost-effective alternatives without imposing new bureaucratic regulations or state spending. However, there are concerns regarding the “substantially similar” clause, as well as the potential impact on rural districts who may have more limited options. TFR encourages lawmakers to clarify the definition of “substantially similar,” as well as limit potential impacts by phasing in compliance requirements.

Subject: Senate Bill 412 (SB 412) – Protecting minors from harmful material

  • Author: State Sen. Mayes Middleton (R-Galveston)
  • Caption: Relating to defenses to prosecution for certain offenses involving material or conduct that is obscene or otherwise harmful to children.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 412 strengthens protections for minors by narrowing affirmative defenses related to the distribution of obscene and harmful materials. By removing broad exemptions for educational and research purposes, the bill prevents taxpayer-funded institutions, such as public schools, from using government resources to expose children to explicit content. This legislation upholds family values and ensures public funds are spent on genuine education rather than inappropriate materials. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 412.

Subject: Senate Bill 480 (SB 480) – Local Government Water Planning

  • Author: State Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock)
  • Caption: Relating to the authority of a local government to enter into an interlocal contract with certain governmental entities to participate in water research or planning activities.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 480 promotes fiscal responsibility by allowing local governments to collaborate on water research and planning, reducing redundant spending and maximizing taxpayer dollars. By enabling regional partnerships, it eliminates inefficiencies ensuring that infrastructure and resource management projects are cost-effective. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 480.

Subject: Senate Bill 494 (SB 494) – Petroleum theft prevention task force

  • Author: State Sen. Kevin Sparks (RMidland)
  • Caption: Relating to the establishment of a theft of petroleum products task force.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 494 is a pro-business, pro-taxpayer measure that protects Texas’ vital energy sector from organized theft. By improving coordination between law enforcement and industry stakeholders, the bill ensures that theft prevention efforts are efficient and cost-effective, rather than relying on costly, piecemeal enforcement. Reducing petroleum theft helps safeguard state tax revenues and producer property. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 494.

Subject: Senate Bill 706 (SB 706) – Universal recognition of handgun licenses

  • Author: State Sen. Charles Schwertner (R-Georgetown)
  • Caption: Relating to the recognition of a handgun license issued by another state.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 706 enhances Second Amendment protections by allowing universal recognition of out-of-state handgun licenses in Texas, ensuring lawful gun owners can exercise their rights without bureaucratic barriers. By eliminating unnecessary government oversight and annual reciprocity determinations, the bill reduces administrative costs and regulatory burdens. Additionally, it aligns Texas law with constitutional carry principles while maintaining Texas’ position as a leader in personal freedom and self-defense rights. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 706.

Subject: Senate Bill 707 (SB 707) – State rejection of unconstitutional mandates

  • Author: State Sen. Phil King (R-Weatherford)
  • Caption: Relating to the authority of the legislature to determine that certain federal directives are unconstitutional and to prohibit certain government officers and employees from enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of the directive.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 707 empowers the Texas Legislature to determine whether federal directives are unconstitutional and prevents state resources from being used to enforce such directives. This bill upholds the Tenth Amendment by ensuring that Texas maintains autonomy over issues affecting its citizens. For this reason, TFR supports SB 707.

Subject: Senate Bill 869 (SB 869) – Timely ethics complaint resolution

  • Author: State Sen. Brian Birdwell (R-Granbury)
  • Caption: Relating to the deadline for the Texas Ethics Commission to resolve certain complaints.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 869 ensures accountability and efficiency by requiring the Texas Ethics Commission to resolve complaints within 120 days, barring delays except in cases of litigation. This prevents bureaucratic overreach, eliminates loopholes that could be exploited to prolong investigations, and ensures fair and timely resolutions. By removing unnecessary administrative delays, the bill reduces government inefficiency and promotes transparency, safeguarding taxpayer dollars from being wasted on prolonged regulatory processes. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 869.

Reminder: Vote Notices are provided to both Texas state lawmakers and the general public, sharing Texans for Fiscal Responsibility’s position on issues to be rated as a part of the Fiscal Responsibility Index. Notices are provided prior to votes being taken in each legislative chamber.

Disclaimer: We reserve the right to consider amendments to legislation that may be introduced without notice as a part of issues to be rated on the Fiscal Responsibility Index. We will make every effort to provide notice on amendments that are pre-filed.