Biden Administration Floats Federal Student Loan Forgiveness
On Monday, President Biden met with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, where among other issues he mentioned that his administration is looking into options to forgive a substantial but unspecified amount of federal student loan debt. Earlier this month,…
Inflation Hits a 40 Year High… Again
The latest Consumer Price Index (CPI) data released Tuesday reveals that year-over-year inflation for the month of March hit 8.5%. This was a 1.2% increase from the previous month of February. Inflation has become a major problem for most Americans…
Inflation Hits A New 40 Year High At 7.9%
Americans all across the country, including here in Texas, are suffering from the fiscally irresponsible policies administered by both the federal government and the Federal Reserve in response to the pandemic. The massive amounts of Quantitative Easing and stimulus dollars…
Inflation Soars to 7% a 40 Year High
CPI data released this morning revealed that the year-over-year inflation rate has hit 7%. This is the highest rate experienced in 40 years (since 1982) in the USA and there is no sign that we will be inflecting downward…
Inflation hits 30 year high at 6.2% year over year according to CPI data.
According to CPI data released today, inflation has hit a 30 year high at 6.2% year over year. This has officially killed the narrative that “inflation is transitory” and will magically disappear according to the Federal Reserve. But what is…