

Abbott Forecasts ‘Biggest Property Tax Cut in Texas History’

Recently, Texas Governor Greg Abbott gave the keynote address at the 18th annual West Texas Legislative Summit in San Angelo, Texas. In the address, he talked about property taxes and other issues in his plan for the upcoming legislative session….


Democrat Lawmaker Suggests Expanding Medicaid is Wise Fiscal Policy

Democrat State Rep. Bobby Guerra (Mission), who “boasts” a career rating of an F on the Fiscal Responsibility Index and scored a dismal 17 out of 100 in the most recent legislative session, recently took to the Rio Grande Guardian…


They Dare Not Call it a Recession

Thursday, Americans woke up to the news that the U.S. economy continued to contract for the second straight quarter. For Americans who have been experiencing a higher cost of living in the last year or so, it is not necessarily…


Do Not Let Texas Lawmakers Plunder Our Money

Last week, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar announced an updated revenue estimate, which increased our continually growing budget surplus by nearly $14 billion. Yes, you heard that right $14 billion more! This raised the previous estimate from roughly $13 billion to…


Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar Announces Historic Surplus in Updated Estimate

Thursday, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar released his updated revenue estimate for the state of Texas. Previously the surplus estimate coming off of the most recent legislative session was around $8 billion. This estimate was updated in November of 2021 to…


Texas Comptroller To Announce New Revenue Increase On Thursday

Tuesday, the House Appropriations Committee held its first interim hearing to consider some of their assigned interim charges involving the state budget. Among the invited testimony was that of Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar, who came to give a general update…


Texas GOP Platform Includes Texas Prosperity Plan

Wednesday, the Republican Party of Texas released its 2022 Platform as approved by delegates to its State Convention in mid-June.  Among the 274 ‘planks’ or policy positions were all three of the items set forth in Texans for Fiscal Responsibility’s…


Texas GOP Announces Legislative Priorities for Next Two Years

Wednesday, the Republican Party of Texas announced the final list of 8 legislative priorities, approved by delegates to the state convention which took place last week. This announcement is notable for several reasons, chief among them being that the state…


Abbott Signals Property Tax Cuts, What About Elimination?

In an interview with The Texan, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar indicated that it is possible Texas will have an estimated $30 billion account balance when the Texas Legislature reconvenes in January of 2023. In March, we reported that it was…


Texas GOP State Convention Concluded. Here Is What Happened.

Thousands of Republicans from across the state of Texas, descended into Houston last week to participate in crafting the platform for the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) among other party organizational items for the next two years. Elected delegates to…


In Recent Senate Finance Hearing, Taxpayers Told To Wait For Relief

In a recent Texas Senate Finance Committee Hearing, the subject of high property tax appraisals came up during a discussion on what should be done about the interim charge they were to consider related to property tax relief. The committee…


Texas Home Appraisals Are At All Time Highs

2022 has been an unprecedented year on a number of fronts. Texas, like the rest of the nation, has experienced record inflation, record gas prices, and sky-high home appraisals. Why have home prices been so high? Is it just a…


Senate Finance Committee Shows Hand Again On Property Tax Relief

Monday, the Senate Committee on Finance met to discuss their interim charge related to property tax relief. They had the usual suspects show up as invited testimony: The Comptroller’s office and the Legislative Budget Board among others to discuss the…


New Report Shows the Increased Debt Burdens on Texas Taxpayers in Largest Cities

Recently, Truth in Accounting published their latest Combined City Taxpayer Report of the 10 most populated cities in the United States and the debt burdens put on each of their taxpayers. The report attempts to measure the annual financial reports…


Recent Polling Suggests Property Taxpayer Confusion

Understanding Texas’ property taxes, or more specifically understanding the means by which property taxes are levied, collected, distributed, and ultimately who bears responsibility for the increasing property tax burden in the state is admittedly a confusing endeavor; potentially intentionally so….