
Cecilia Castellano: A Threat to Texas Taxpayers

August 14, 2024
TFR Staff
Corporate Welfare, Elections 2024, Property Tax, School Choice, Spending, Texas House

As the race for Texas State House District 80 heats up to South Texas temperatures, voters face an important decision that could have long-lasting implications for their wallets, their children’s education, and the future of Texas’s economy. 

After HD-80 incumbent Tracy King decided not to run for re-election, the border district is up for grabs. One of the candidates vying for the seat is Democrat Cecilia Castellano. Taxpayers should be cautious when heading to the polls, however, as a close examination of her record reveals a troubling history of fiscal irresponsibility, crony capitalism, and a dangerous agenda that could lead to increased government spending and higher taxes for hardworking Texans.

Profiting from Taxpayers

Cecilia Castellano’s business, Azteca Designs, has thrived not by competing in the free market, but through lucrative government contracts funded by taxpayer dollars. Castellano’s firm has received at least $1.23 million from Texas state agencies, has an active contract with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), and half a million dollars in contracts with various Texas ISDs. When examining the scale and nature of these taxpayer-funded contracts, it raises serious questions about Castellano’s motivations for seeking public office.

Azteca Designs has also secured over $41 million in Department of Defense (DOD) contracts, as well as being gifted more than $1 million in federal awards, further illustrating Castellano’s reliance on taxpayer-funded projects. Her campaign website openly states that she “envisions abundant small business opportunities through collaboration with the state government,” signaling her intent to expand the size and scope of government interference in the free market. 

For taxpayers, this raises a red flag. Castellano’s business success is built not on innovation or competition in the private sector but on exploiting government contracts. This crony capitalism not only distorts the market but also places an unnecessary burden on taxpayers, who ultimately foot the bill for these contracts.

Expanding Government at Taxpayers’ Expense

Castellano’s fiscal irresponsibility extends beyond her business dealings. As a candidate, she has consistently advocated for policies that would significantly expand the role of government and, consequently, increase government spending and taxation. One of her most concerning positions is her unwavering support for Medicaid expansion in Texas.

During an October 2023 Facebook live session, she claimed that “we want to enforce Medicaid expansion, the money is there, and the federal government has the money.”

Medicaid expansion, as Castellano envisions it, would undoubtedly lead to a massive increase in government spending. While Castellano argues that the federal government would provide the funds, this is a short-sighted view. Not only are federal funds still taxpayer money (it doesn’t grow on trees), the reality is that federal funding is not guaranteed in perpetuity, and the burden of maintaining expanded government healthcare services would eventually fall on Texas taxpayers. 

Instead of supporting free-market solutions to health and medical care, Castellano is advocating for socialist policies that lead to bureaucratic-driven healthcare and worse outcomes for patients. 

A Threat to Educational Freedom and Fiscal Responsibility

Another area where Castellano’s positions should alarm voters is her staunch opposition to school choice. Castellano is an ardent supporter of government schools and has vowed to reject any form of vouchers that could allow parents to choose alternative educational options for their children. She has fear mongered about school choice, falsely claiming that it would “close public schools” and even eliminate beloved programs like football.

School choice is not just about giving parents the freedom to choose the best educational environment for their children, it’s also about fostering competition and efficiency in the education system. By opposing school choice, Castellano is essentially advocating for the status quo—a public education system that is failing many students and wasting billions of taxpayer dollars in the process.

Simply throwing more money at the problem, as Castellano suggests, is not the solution. Instead, we need to empower parents to make choices that will drive improvement in all schools, both public and private. Castellano’s approach, which demands more funding for failing government schools without accountability, is a recipe for wasteful spending and continued decline in educational outcomes.

Hypocrisy and Cronyism

Castellano’s hypocrisy is evident in her business practices and political rhetoric. While she decries the lack of funding for public schools and healthcare, she has personally benefited from millions in government contracts and two (see here and here) forgiven Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans totalling more than $143,000. Despite receiving this financial assistance, Castellano complained publicly about not receiving enough bailout money, showcasing her entitlement mentality and disregard for fiscal discipline.

Castellano’s Taxpayer-Hostile Agenda

Castellano has already spent the entirety of her professional career being paid by taxpayers, and she simply desires to continue this trend by obtaining a seat in the Texas House. The most concerning aspect of this corporate welfare pattern is how her experiences will dictate her possible governance. 

If Cecilia Castellano is elected to the House, taxpayers can expect a continued assault on their wallets. Her record suggests that she will push for policies that expand government spending, increase taxes, and stifle economic freedom. From her opposition to school choice to her advocacy for Medicaid expansion, Castellano’s agenda is one that prioritizes government control over individual liberty, free markets and fiscal responsibility.

Fighting for the Future 

As voters in Texas House District 80 head to the polls, they must carefully consider the implications of electing a candidate like Cecilia Castellano. Her record is clear: she has enriched herself at the expense of taxpayers and she advocates for policies that would expand the size and scope of government. 

In contrast, TFR fights for a fiscally conservative approach to governance that would prioritize reducing wasteful spending, lowering taxes, and empowering individuals through virtuous free-market solutions that put taxpayers and their families first. 

Texas’s future prosperity depends on electing leaders who are committed to these principles, not those who seek to expand government control and burden taxpayers with unsustainable taxation, debt and corporate welfare.

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