With the Federal Government’s fiscal year rapidly coming to an end on September 30th, Congress must pass a “continuing resolution,” on spending, or once again face a partial government shutdown. This continuing resolution is essentially a temporary spending bill, using the previous year’s fiscal appropriations without making any adjustments or changes, allowing federal operations to continue. Avoiding passing a new, finalized budget for the coming year is something that Congress has only done on time and in full on four occasions since 1974 when the current budgetary process was put into place.
Passing a continuing resolution instead of a full, fresh budget is something Congress has done 47 times since 2010. This is a result of establishment politicians and deep-state bureaucrats hoping to avoid making hard choices. Consequently, the reckless, trillion-dollar deficit spending continues, keeping the status quo going.
Thus, essentially, “no rocking the boat.”
But members of the US Freedom Caucus claim they have had enough and are pledging to make a stand for the American people and attempt to bring some fiscal sanity to Washington.
In late August, the House Freedom Caucus issued a press release detailing their concerns on the current state of affairs, particularly bloated federal spending, a lack of security on the southern border, the weaponized Justice Department, woke military policies and government-led censorship; asserting the need for Congress to use the power of the purse to move things in a different direction.
The Caucus’ Press Release stated they would work to oppose the continuing resolution if the following demands were not met:
- Cutting federal spending,
- Passage of the Secure the Border Act of 2023 to “cease the unchecked flow of illegal immigrants, combat the evils of human trafficking, and stop the flood of dangerous fentanyl” in the country,
- End the weaponization of the Justice Department and the FBI against the American people,
- End the woke, DEI-related policies that have infected the US Military.
In a press conference held on Tuesday, members of the House Freedom Caucus, joined by conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation and Judicial Watch, reiterated their opposition to a “clean” (more of the status quo) continuing resolution.
The Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) stated, “We are not interested in a continuing resolution that continues the policies and the spending of the Biden-Schumer-Pelosi era. The American people are sick of it.”
Texas Representatives Keith Self (R-Tx) and Chip Roy (R-Tx) attended the press conference with their colleagues and made similar statements:
“I will not continue to fund a government at war with the American people.” – Rep. Chip Roy.
“Our families are hurting. Let’s get the job done.” – Rep. Keith Self.
As admirable as their cause and goals may be, the real test will come with actual follow-through. Which is something that even members of the Freedom Caucus admit they have struggled with in the past:
“We got rolled on the debt ceiling. We are not going to get rolled on this,” said Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC).
Failing to address bloated federal spending over the last few decades has led to nearly $33 trillion in federal debt (roughly $100,000 owed per American citizen), an unfathomable amount that is a clear and present threat to the wellbeing and security of Americans and their families.
The next couple of weeks will determine whether or not the Freedom Caucus has accomplished its goals on border security and reigning in an out-of-control federal deficit.
With Republicans holding a mere five-seat majority in the House, it is certainly possible that they can have an actual impact.
That is IF they have the fortitude to stick to their guns.
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