

Austin Proposes Nearly $6 Billion Budget, The Biggest Ever

Austin has set forth its new proposal for the Fiscal Year 2025 city budget – and it is exactly what you would expect.  The new budget initially proposed by unelected bureaucrat T.C. Broadnax, the City Manager, contains an incredible $5.9…


Bold Reform to Rein in Wyoming’s Soaring Property Taxes

Executive Summary The Problem: The Three-Step Solution Our proposal turns restrained government spending into a direct benefit to those with property in Wyoming and a benefit to those without property who rent or lease. Whether someone has property or rents…


Biden’s Budget is a Disaster for America 

The negative impact of Bideonomics on everyday Americans has been profound. With the federal government’s lavish spending and ever-rising debt, the cost of living has soared, putting a strain on households across the nation. Despite the evident consequences, the Biden…