
The May 4th Local Elections Are Upon Us

May 2, 2024
Andrew McVeigh
Bonds, Local Elections, Local Government, Property Tax, Spending

Another election is upon us here in the Lone Star State.

This Saturday, May 4th, elections for local officials, bonds, and propositions will be held for communities across Texas.

Local elections play a crucial role in day-to-day lives of Texas taxpayers, and voting in local elections is an opportunity for voters to have the biggest impact on electing pro-taxpayer officials, since turnout in these elections are historically quite low compared to other elections. 


Here is a look at what might be on your ballot this Saturday: 

The ballots for the May 4th elections features a range of candidates vying for positions such as mayors, city council members, school board, and other local offices. These candidates will have some of the greatest impact on local spending and property tax rates in the coming years. 

Some communities will hold elections for offices such as school board and city council. Plus voters in Texas Senate District 15 will vote in a special election to fill that open seat. 

One significant aspect of the ballot is the inclusion of local bond propositions, more than half of which are bonds from school districts. These bonds are a major mechanism for local governments to take on more local debt (Texas already ranks third in the nation for highest local debt) and increased property taxes. 

Appraisal District Board Members

Of particular note, voters in larger counties, with a population of 75,000 or more, have the opportunity to elect three members to their local property appraisal district boards, an opportunity born out of the property tax relief package passed by the Texas legislature during the second special session in 2023. 

These elected members of the appraisal district board, will, in turn, help to appoint members to the appraisal review boards. 

Finding Out More 

For voters seeking more information about the candidates, propositions, and bonds on the ballot, check out your local election offices or local government websites. For basic information such as voter registration status and important dates, visit the Secretary of State’s website

An Important Reminder 

Local government is where fiscal conservatives can have the biggest individual impact and the most influence, so the significance of local elections in shaping future local fiscal policy cannot be overstated. 

By participating in the electoral process, taxpayers have the opportunity to help select the leadership that directly impacts local budgets, spending, taxes, debt, and everything in between that affects our wallets.

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility relies on the support of private donors across the Lone Star State in order to promote fiscal responsibility and pro-taxpayer government in Texas. Please consider supporting our efforts! Thank you!

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