Vote Notices

Vote Notice 3.12.2025

March 12, 2025
TFR Staff
89th Legislative Session, Vote Notice

Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has issued the following vote notice for March 12th, 2025 

Texas House of Representatives


Texas Senate

Subject:  Senate Joint Resolution 18 (SJR 18) – No Capital Gains Tax

  • Author: State Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock)
  • Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the imposition of a tax on the realized or unrealized capital gains of an individual, family, estate, or trust.
  • TFR Position:  SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SJR 18 is a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban the imposition of a capital gains tax in Texas. By protecting individuals, families, estates, and trusts from this tax, the amendment helps families build generational wealth, save for retirement, and invest in their futures without fear of government overreach. This measure promotes economic growth, encouraging business expansion, entrepreneurship, and job creation. Additionally, it prevents future tax burdens that could discourage investment and make it harder for families to pass down assets to future generations. For these reasons, TFR supports SJR 18.

Subject: Senate Concurrent Resolution 9 (SCR 9) – “Keep Nine” Constitutional Amendment

  • Author: State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola)
  • Caption:  Urging Congress to propose and submit to the states for ratification the “Keep Nine” amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SCR 9 calls on Congress to pass a constitutional amendment ensuring the U.S. Supreme Court remains at nine justices, preserving judicial independence and preventing political interference. A stable Supreme Court limits unnecessary government overreach by preventing court-packing efforts that could enable sweeping and costly policy changes without legislative consensus. By maintaining a consistent judiciary, the amendment upholds limited government principles and safeguards economic stability and liberty. For these reasons, TFR supports SCR 9.

Subject: Senate Concurrent Resolution 13 (SCR 13) – Enforcing Texas’ water rights treaty

  • Author: State Sen. Adam Hinojosa (R-Corpus Christi)
  • Caption:  Urging the U.S. Department of State and the United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission to take appropriate action to ensure that Mexico complies with the 1944 Treaty regarding shared water resources.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SCR 13 urges the US Federal Government to hold Mexico accountable for its water delivery obligations under the 1944 water treaty, ensuring Texas receives its fair share of water resources. Mexico is currently 984,814 acre-feet behind in water deliveries. This is a property rights and contract enforcement issue. Water shortages due to Mexico’s noncompliance hinder agricultural productivity, raise consumer prices, and drive up costs for rural areas, burdening taxpayers. Ensuring compliance upholds fair trade principles and fiscal responsibility. For these reasons, TFR supports SCR 13.

Subject: Senate Bill 263 (SB 263) – Tax fairness for radio broadcasters.

  • Author: State Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock)
  • Caption:  Relating to the computation of the cost of goods sold by television and radio broadcasters for purposes of the franchise tax.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 263 ensures tax fairness by clarifying that both radio and television broadcasters are equally eligible to deduct their cost of goods sold when calculating franchise tax liability. The bill supports lower taxation, prevents regulatory ambiguity and reduces compliance costs and government overreach. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 263.

Subject: Senate Bill 569 (SB 569) – Expanding virtual and hybrid education

  • Author: State Sen. Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston)
  • Caption:  Relating to the provision of virtual education in public schools and to certain waivers and modifications by the commissioner of education to the method of calculating average daily attendance in an emergency or crisis for purposes of preserving school district funding entitlements under the Foundation School Program during that emergency or crisis; authorizing a fee.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT / AMEND
  • Background: 
    • SB 569 helps to modernize Texas education by expanding virtual and hybrid learning options, providing more flexibility for students and families. By eliminating the outdated Texas Virtual School Network and creating a streamlined Chapter 30B, this bill enables school districts and charter schools to offer more thorough online learning programs. The bill also helps to promote parental choice so that students have access to education tailored to their needs.
    • However, the Texas Education commissioner’s authority to alter funding during emergencies should be limited, to ensure that funding is overseen and controlled by the Legislature. The bill should require TEA to publish its funding decisions, virtual school approvals, and regulatory justifications in a publicly accessible format. Additionally, TFR is concerned the new advisory committee is exempted from chapter 2110, Government Code, that typically governs advisory committees, including restrictions on member compensation, public meetings and transparency. This should be amended to ensure accountability.

Subject: Senate Bill 914 (SB 914) – Optional city election date change

  • Author: State Sen. César Blanco (D-El Paso)
  • Caption: Relating to authorizing certain cities to change the date on which their general election for officers is held.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 914 provides small Texas cities the option to move their local elections to November, a change aimed at increasing voter participation while reducing administrative costs. Holding elections in November aligns with major state and federal elections, maximizing existing resources and minimizing separate election expenses. This bill is a practical, cost-effective measure that enhances civic engagement without imposing new mandates or expenditures.

Subject: Senate Bill 1066 (SB 1066) – Expands contractor bidding opportunities

  • Author: State Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock)
  • Caption: Relating to the requirement for performance and payment bonds from certain contractors of the Parks and Wildlife Department.
  • TFR Position: SUPPORT
  • Background: 
    • SB 1066 supports free-market principles by removing unnecessary barriers that restrict competition in TPWD contracting. By raising outdated bond thresholds, the bill allows smaller businesses and local contractors to compete, driving down costs and increasing efficiency in public works projects. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 1066.

Reminder: Vote Notices are provided to both Texas state lawmakers and the general public, sharing Texans for Fiscal Responsibility’s position on issues to be rated as a part of the Fiscal Responsibility Index. Notices are provided prior to votes being taken in each legislative chamber.

Disclaimer: We reserve the right to consider amendments to legislation that may be introduced without notice as a part of issues to be rated on the Fiscal Responsibility Index. We will make every effort to provide notice on amendments that are pre-filed.