Texas Senate
Texas House of Representatives
Subject: Raise Cap on Notary Fees, House Bill 255 (HB 255)
- Author: State Rep. Valoree Swanson (R-Spring)
- TFR Position: Oppose on Local, Consent, and Resolutions Calendar
- Background: HB 255 seeks to address fraudulent practices by those who obtain notary services as well as raise the cap on existing notary fees. Despite the good intentions behind HB 255, TFR is opposed to inflation adjustments for government employees and those in public service, since taxpayers are not offered the same inflation-adjusted courtesy when it comes to tax relief. For these reasons, TFR opposes HB 255.
Subject: Fee Exemption, House Bill 349 (HB 349)
- Author: State Rep. John Bucy III (D-Austin)
- TFR Position: Oppose on Local, Consent, and Resolutions Calendar
- Background: HB 349 seeks to allow municipalities to permit full or partial drainage fee exemptions for senior citizens, active duty military members, veterans, and people with disabilities as means to aid in combating affordability issues within the municipality itself. TFR generally opposes all exemptions that are not equitable, as they shift the burden to those who do not qualify for such an exemption. If a municipality truly wants to address a would-be affordability crisis they should do so by curtailing spending and focusing on primary functions of government. For these reasons, TFR opposes HB 349.
Subject: Expansion of Government-Sponsored Loan Programs, House Bill 1248 (HB 1248)
- Author: State Rep. Ryan Guillen (R-Rio Grande City)
- TFR Position: Oppose on Local, Consent, and Resolutions Calendar
- Background: HB 1248 seeks to expand the class of individuals who would qualify under the Homes for Texas Heroes home loan program to that of social workers. The Texas Heroes home loan program provides down payment assistance and low-interest home mortgage loans. It is not the appropriate role of the government to be involved in the home loan process, to begin with, and as such TFR opposes any expansion of existing government-sponsored loan programs.
Subject: Burdensome Regulation, House Bill 1286 (HB 1286)
- Author: State Rep. Ryan Guillen (R-Rio Grande City)
- TFR Position: Oppose on Local, Consent, and Resolutions Calendar
- Background: HB 1286 seeks to impose regulations on privately owned RV parks to ensure compliance with safety regulations set by the National Fire Protection Association 1194 under the potential for perceived safety hazards. In an economic system built on free enterprise, a would-be consumer takes responsibility for safety and standards, not the government, especially when it imposes burdensome regulations on private businesses. For these reasons, TFR opposes HB 1286.
Subject: Expansion of Government-Sponsored Loan Programs, House Bill 1472 (HB 1472)
- Author: State Rep. Armando Walle (D-Houston)
- TFR Position: Oppose on Local, Consent, and Resolutions Calendar
- Background: HB 1472 seeks to increase the cap for the applicable median income that qualifies for the Texas Bootstrap Loan Program. It is not the appropriate role of the government to be involved in the home loan process, to begin with, and as such TFR opposes any expansion of existing government-sponsored loan programs.
Subject: Oyster Tyranny, House Bill 1809 (HB 1809)
- Author: State Rep. Todd Hunter (R-Corpus Christi)
- TFR Position: Oppose on Local, Consent, and Resolutions Calendar
- Background: HB 1809 seeks to add a bureaucratic arm to the already growing regulation of the Texas oyster industry. Government is too large already. For this reason, TFR opposes HB 1809.
Reminder: Vote Notices are provided to both Texas state lawmakers and the general public in advance of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility’s position on issues to be rated as part of the Fiscal Responsibility Index prior to votes being taken in each legislative chamber.
Disclaimer: We reserve the right to consider amendments to legislation that may be introduced without notice as a part of issues to be rated as part of the Fiscal Responsibility Index. We will make every effort to provide notice on amendments that are pre-filed