Texas Senate
Subject: Election Integrity, Senate Bill 397 (SB 397)
- Author: State Sen. Bob Hall (R-Edgewood)
- TFR Position: Support
- Background: SB 397 seeks to require the printing of result tapes immediately after closing polls. This would extend an important chain of custody measure to early voting, helping to secure elections further. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 397
Subject: Removing Barriers to Work, Senate Bill 1615 (SB 1615)
- Author: State Sen. Judith Zaffirini (D-Laredo)
- TFR Position: Support
- Background: SB 1615 seeks to allow for an interstate compact for licensed cosmetologists. This ultimately makes it easier for cosmetologists to work in Texas. Although the best solution would be to repeal the occupational license altogether, this moves the ball in the right direction by lowering regulations and barriers to entry. For these reasons, TFR supports SB 1615.
Texas House of Representatives
Subject: Expanding Homestead Exemption Qualifiers, House Joint Resolution 150 (HJR 150)
- Author: State Rep. Candy Noble (R-Lucas)
- TFR Position: Oppose
- Background: HJR 150 seeks to extend the homestead exemption to that of individuals with an IDD (Intellectual and Developmental Disability) since many cannot currently benefit, as in order to qualify for some of their federal and state benefits, the home they reside in cannot be in their name. Increasing the number of individuals who qualify for exemptions also simultaneously increases the burden for everyone else who does not qualify since government spending is also not being cut. For these reasons, TFR opposes HJR 150.
Subject: Expanding Homestead Exemption Qualifiers, House Bill 3640 (HB 3640)
- Author: State Rep. Candy Noble (R-Lucas)
- TFR Position: Oppose
- Background: HB 3640 is the enabling legislation for HJR 150. HB 3640 seeks to extend the homestead exemption to that of individuals with an IDD (Intellectual and developmental disability) since many cannot currently benefit, as in order to qualify for some of their federal and state benefits, the home they reside in cannot be in their name. Increasing the number of individuals who qualify for exemptions also simultaneously increases the burden for everyone else who does not qualify since government spending is also not being cut. For these reasons, TFR opposes HB 3640.
Subject: Removing Barriers to Work, House Bill 1391 (HB 1391)
- Author: State Rep. Matt Schaefer (R-Tyler)
- TFR Position: Support
- Background: HB 1391 seeks to remove barriers to entry for residential wiremen (electricians) by creating an opportunity for both high school and community college students to receive their licenses, after taking the required classes and passing a licensing exam. The current requirements do not allow for this. For these reasons, TFR supports HB 1391.
Subject: Removing Barriers to Work, House Bill 1859 (HB 1859)
- Author: State Rep. Matt Schaefer (R-Tyler)
- TFR Position: Support
- Background: HB 1859 seeks to remove barriers to entry for HVAC workers by creating an opportunity for both high school and community college students to receive their licenses, after taking the required classes and passing a licensing exam. The current requirements do not allow for this. For these reasons, TFR supports HB 1859.
Subject: Creation of a Grant Program, House Bill 2237 (HB 2237)
- Author: State Rep. Senfronia Thompson (D-Houston)
- TFR Position: Oppose
- Background: HB 2237 seeks to establish the child first grant program to allow DFPS to award funding to organizations that provide therapy services to a caregiver via a licensed mental health clinician paired with a family. This is not the proper role of government. For this reason, TFR opposes HB 2237.
Subject: Creation of a Grant Program, House Bill 4005 (HB 4005)
- Author: State Rep. John Raney (R-Bryan)
- TFR Position: Oppose
- Background: HB 4005 seeks to create the Texas Competency-Based Education Grant Program to “fill the gap” between federal funds and the total tuition needs of learners in Competency-based education degree programs. HB 4005 has a negative fiscal note of $2.7 million through the biennium and an increasing negative fiscal note every year thereafter. This is not the proper role of government. For this reason, TFR opposes HB 4005.
Subject: Pro-Taxpayer, House Bill 390 (HB 390)
- Author: State Rep. Donna Howard (D-Austin)
- TFR Position: Support
- Background: HB 390 seeks to require each legislative or executive branch agency to broadcast its open meetings on the Internet and smaller agencies to promptly make their recordings of meetings available online. HB 390 seeks to increase transparency. For this reason, TFR supports HB 390.
Subject: Liability Exemption for Businesses, House Bill 609 (HB 609)
- Author: State Rep. Cody Vasut (R-Angleton)
- TFR Position: Support
- Background: HB 609 seeks to protect business owners and operators who choose not to require employees or contractors to be vaccinated against a pandemic disease by exempting them from liability caused by exposure to a pandemic disease through an employee or contractor. HB 609 prevents burdensome regulation. For this reason, TFR supports HB 609.
Subject: Increase in Penalties, House Bill 898 (HB 898)
- Author: State Rep. Lynn Stucky (R-Sanger)
- TFR Position: Oppose
- Background: HB 898 seeks to increase penalties and fines for those ticketed drivers who do not move over a lane or slow to 20mph under the speed limit for approaching emergency vehicles, law enforcement, tow trucks, utility service vehicles, TxDOT vehicles, or other construction/maintenance vehicles. The penalty would increase to a range of $500 to $1,250 for a first offense. The list of vehicles that could qualify under a litany of circumstances makes the enforcement of such a law problematic. For these reasons, TFR opposes HB 898.
Reminder: Vote Notices are provided to both Texas state lawmakers and the general public in advance of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility’s position on issues to be rated as part of the Fiscal Responsibility Index prior to votes being taken in each legislative chamber.
Disclaimer: We reserve the right to consider amendments to legislation that may be introduced without notice as a part of issues to be rated as part of the Fiscal Responsibility Index. We will make every effort to provide notice on amendments that are pre-filed.