Budget Surplus
Abbott Signals Property Tax Cuts, What About Elimination?
In an interview with The Texan, Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar indicated that it is possible Texas will have an estimated $30 billion account balance when the Texas Legislature reconvenes in January of 2023. In March, we reported that it was…
No… We Don’t Have To Replace The Property Tax With Anything
In a year where most property owners find themselves getting overwhelmed with inflation driving up the costs of basic goods and services as well as major increases in property tax burdens, it has not been surprising to see millions of…
Senators Showed More Interest In Giving Themselves Raises Than Property Tax Relief in Hearing
Wednesday, the Texas Senate Committee on Finance convened for the first time since the last special legislative session to consider interim charges related to the state budget. Among the issues discussed were things like inflation, Russia, and state pension reforms….
They Shout Relief, But Where Is It?
Despite years of desperate cries from Texas taxpayers seeking significant property tax relief, Texans are once again being reminded that our lawmakers have no real desire to help lower our property tax bills. With stories of many Texas taxpayers experiencing…
May Property Tax Propositions: A Slap In Texans’ Faces
Taxpayers all over the state of Texas report being crushed under the weight of sky-high property taxes, rising appraisals, and nearly double-digit inflation. You would not know this however if you only listened to lawmakers in Austin who drone on…
Is A $25 Billion Surplus Coming Next Session?
Rumors have already begun to swell around Austin that there is the possibility of a historic budgetary surplus heading lawmakers’ way as appropriators begin to consider the state budget for the next biennium. The Austin swamp is already salivating about…
Explainer: What is the Texas Rainy Day Fund?
Most Texas taxpayers have probably never heard of the Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) or as it’s sometimes referred to, “the Rainy Day Fund.” Our assumption is that lawmakers are content to keep the ESF hidden because if most taxpayers knew…
Will TXLEGE Decide To Patch The Leak, Instead of Eliminate It?
Recently the groundswell of conservative voices demanding property tax elimination has reached all-time highs. The last two special sessions have not delivered the results for property tax relief that taxpayers have demanded. Property taxes have risen more than 181% in…
Real Property Tax Relief Is Being Lowered Into A Shallow Grave
With only six days left in the second called special session real property tax relief is being lowered into a shallow grave. HB 122, the strongest legislation that the Texas House has seen in years, seeks to apply 90% of…
Finally a Chance for Property Tax Relief
For years, the desire for property tax relief has been at the top of Texans’ concerns. As a matter of fact, in a recent poll conducted by our friends at Texas Public Policy Foundation, it was revealed that 71% of…