Texans for Fiscal Responsibility has issued the following vote notice for March 20, 2023
(Day 70 of the 88th Legislative Session):
Texas Senate
Subject: Property Tax Relief, Senate Bill 4 (SB4)
- Author: State Sen. Paul Bettencourt (R-Houston)
- TFR Position: Support
- Background: Provides property tax relief in the form of School M&O compression for all Texans. Compression is the best form of property tax relief as it lowers taxes for all property owners equally and is permanent, not subject to being made null by inflation and other economic factors. For this reason, TFR Supports this bill, although we encouraged amendments to increase the amount of compression and a provision aimed at eliminating school M&O by using 90% surplus dollars until compression is 0%.
Subject: Licensing, Senate Bill 159 (SB159)
- Author: State Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock)
- TFR Position: Support
- Background: SB 159 lowers the threshold to sit for the exam as a CPA. It lowers the number of hours required from 150 to 120. It also lowers the semester hour requirements from 24 to 21. Although this bill does not eliminate the need for the occupational license which is the ultimate goal, it does lower the burden on those seeking to become a certified CPA. This ultimately makes it easier for Texans to become a CPA, for this reason, TFR supports SB 159.
Subject: Free Speech, Senate Bill 190 (SB190)
- Author: State Sen. Borris Miles (D-Houston)
- TFR Position: Oppose
- Background: SB 190 raises the civil penalty for signs placed on public roads for advertisement. This bill is anti-business and hurts new businesses and businesses of lower-income Texans who may not be able to afford to advertise. This is especially hypocritical from lawmakers that put out thousands of signs all over public roads to get themselves reelected every few years. TFR opposes this anti-business bill.
Texas House of Representatives
Reminder: Vote Notices are provided to both Texas state lawmakers and the general public in advance of Texans for Fiscal Responsibility’s position on issues to be rated as a part of the Fiscal Responsibility Index prior to votes being taken in each legislative chamber.
Disclaimer: We reserve the right to consider amendments to legislation that may be introduced without notice as a part of issues to be rated as a part of the Fiscal Responsibility Index. We will make every effort to provide notice on amendments that are pre-filed.